• Humans emit more than 35 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels each year
  • Trees capture and absorb this CO By adopting just one tree, you can offset up to 2.4 metric tons of CO2.
  • Individuals around the world now recognise that climate change is real and that deforestation is real
  • Although many individuals may want to plant trees to help reverse climate change, they simply do not have the space or resources available to plant a tree themselves
  • Governments are not moving fast enough to replant deforested areas
  • When you adopt a tree, a new native Eucalyptus seedling is planted in your name or in the name of your gift certificate recipient. You will receive a precise GPS coordinate and a picture of the new tree that you have paid to sponsor.
  • Planting trees alone cannot reverse climate change, but it has an important role to play by reducing CO2 in the atmosphere and greening our environment
  • Each adopted tree can offset up to 2.4 metric tons of CO To help visualise a metric ton of CO2, imagine a cube the size of the Christ the Redeemer Statue Pedestal in Rio de Janeiro.  That’s how much space it would take to hold just one metric ton of CO2
  • And remember, this is literallya ton. While it may not seem like a gas can weigh that much, this giant CO2 cube has the same weight as a fully grown great white shark or a ton of bricks (400 bricks)
  • The Earth is able to reabsorb some of that CO2through trees, oceans, and other natural processes. However, huge quantities of CO2 remain in the atmosphere, potentially for hundreds of years, driving climate change
  • So how can we reabsorb more of this CO2?

Adopt just one tree for yourself or as a gift and you could offset 2.4 metric tons of CO2 over the lifecycle of the tree.

2.4 metric tons of CO2 is equivalent to:

  • Driving 9,600 kilometres in a car (greater distance than the radius of the Earth)
  • Flying 11,500 kilometres in an aeroplane
  • Travelling 68,000 kilometres on a train
  • Burning 3000 lumps of coal (1.2 tons)
  • Drinking 2,760 plastic bottles of water or drinking 2,315 takeaway café lattes

Over an expected 60-year lifespan, it is thought that native Australian Eucalyptus trees can absorb and capture 10 to 40kg of CO2 per tree per year average– meaning that adopting just one tree could offset between 600kg and 2,400kg (2.4 metric tons) of carbon over the life cycle of the tree.

Although many individuals and businesses may want to plant trees to help create greener spaces and reverse climate change, they simply do not have the space or resources available to plant a tree themselves.  We provide the tree adoption service for these people, as well as for individuals who want to give a tree adoption to a loved one as a Christmas or Birthday gift.

Yes, you can visit your adopted tree at any time because our planting zones are in publicly accessible areas.  You will be provided with the unique GPS coordinates for your tree, and each tree has a unique adopter or gift recipient thankyou tag attached to its stake or tree-guard (unless tag is declined by adopter).

We believe that governments are not moving fast enough to provide urban green spaces and reverse climate change.  In the same way that individuals can choose to pay for renewable energy, they can now also choose to plant or adopt new native trees.  For people who do not have the land available, or who may not be able to plant their own trees, we will plant them for you.  Adopt a Tree is a business that employs staff and contractors.  The product that we produce is twofold.  Firstly, we reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, by capturing and storing it planting the new trees.  Secondly, we produce greener inner-city open spaces by planting urban woodlands.  Each adopted tree is cared for with pre-planting land preparation, watering and composting.  The first two years of a seedling’s life largely determine the tree’s growth rate and final height and shape.  A seedling protected from grass and weed competition, with soil broken up and composted, well-watered and staked or tree guarded, will thrive as well as it is able in the soil in which it is planted, and can reach maturity in up to half the time of a wild sown tree, meaning that your adoption money is put to good use reducing CO2 and greening the environment with large healthy trees.

Once you have selected your planting site and paid the adoption fee, we take the following actions:
  1. We email you, the adopter, a certification of adoption
    (or gift certificate if it is a gift)
  2. We send you the GPS coordinates of your tree’s planting site
  3. We remove all grass and weed competition at the planting position
    in a 1m diameter circle
  4. We dig the soil in a wide shallow planting hole for each tree or for larger plantings we dig line trenches to plant the trees in rows 8 metres apart.
  5. We dig-in organic native leaf-based compost or organic native planting mix
  6. We plant the seedling level with the surrounding ground
  7. The soil is pressed down and each tree is given at least 2 litres of water
  8. We apply mulch around the base about 250mm radius from the seedling
  9. We stake the tree with at least 2 stakes connected with biodegradable tethers
  10. We apply and stake down the tree-guard (if requested by planting arborist)
  11. We attach tree tag with name of the adopter or gift recipient
    (unless declined by adopter)
  12. We photograph the planted adopted tree and send a copy to the
    adopter or gift recipient
  13. We water the new trees 3 times each week – up to a litre of water – for about 1 month. Then weekly, then fortnightly for another 3 to 6 months. Then whenever they need it; especially in summer when water may be needed every few days
  14. We remove competing weeds / grass etc over the next 6 months
  15. Using tree leaf litter-based compost to change the soil life from bacteria based to more fungal based. This is significant to the trees and promotes tree health and long-term viability.

This cost of adopting a tree is an all-inclusive price including:

  • An individual tree being planted and grown for you at a specific GPS coordinate
  • Certification of adoption or gift certificate
  • A thankyou adopter tag with your name or the gift recipient’s name on it affixed to the stake or tree-guard (unless declined by adopter)
  • A photograph of your tree after it is planted
  • You or the gift recipient can also visit your adopted tree anytime you want over the years

The all-inclusive price of tree adoption is $199

Eucalyptus is the most commonly planted tree in Australia as part of carbon offset programs. Primarily, this is because they are native to Australia, can grow effectively in drought conditions and store a great deal of carbon quickly. They also continue to store large amounts of carbon throughout their lifetime.  Estimates of the exact amount of carbon stored depend on the conditions in which the trees grow, but range as high as 15.7 tonnes per hectare per year after only four years of growth. By 14 years of growth, this can increase to as much as 25.3 tonnes.

Per tree, Eucalypts can offset up to 2.4 metric tons of CO2 over a sixty-year life cycle.

Importantly, Eucalypts store a great deal of carbon in their extensive root systems, which provides substantial protection against fire and damage. Even when their entire above ground structure is burnt away in the bush fires that are common in many parts of Australia, Eucalypts can quickly regrow their above ground stems and leaves, maintaining the majority of sequestered carbon.  Eucalypts also require comparatively little attention in order to establish themselves. They need little water to maintain growth, and are able to extend their roots deep into the ground to reach aquifers that would be inaccessible to other plants and trees.  Another reason that Eucalyptus are common for carbon offsetting is their deep roots are highly effective at preventing erosion and are helpful in lowering the salinity in the soil, which has become a problem in many areas of Australia where only shallow rooted plants are allowed to grow. Because the Eucalyptus provides these benefits, governments, councils and land owners are more likely to consent to let us plant and grow these trees grown on their land.

We want to give every tree the best chance to grow quickly and have a healthy lifecycle.  Our arborist selects the species and size of the native seedlings based on the location and climate of the planting zone.  In general, small seedlings will fare better than larger saplings, and small seedlings are best for fast growth and more CO2 capture and storage.  Unless there is a specific feature of a planting zone’s micro-climate that dictates otherwise, we will always select native species that are hardy, fast growing, and sequester the most CO2  

It is important to plant trees when they are very small.  The smaller the tree, the faster the growth-rate.  While it may be tempting to plant larger trees, in fact the small seedlings begin storing CO2 as they grow, and easily outstrip larger planted trees within a few seasons.  Mature Eucalyptus trees including saplings that are moved from a pot to a permanent planted position are prone to slow growth and ill-health.  We plant fully formed small seedlings because they are already established as trees and therefore can thrive immediately in the local soil.  A native seedling that is planted when it is 30cm high will be stronger, bigger and healthier than an equivalent larger sapling within just a few years.  When they are planted as small seedlings, Eucalyptus trees can grow up to six feet per year. 60% of the tree’s growth usually occurs in the first ten years, and some species can grow to 55 meters tall, meaning that small seedlings will sequester the most CO2 over their lifecycle.

The baby trees or seedlings that we plant have been germinated from seeds.  It is more efficient and far more successful to germinate thousands of seeds at once from strong healthy parent trees.  For a full description of the process of getting a tree from seed to planting, please see our How to Grow Eucalyptus Trees from Seed guide.

Planting trees is very rewarding and we encourage all individuals to do so if they have space on their property and time to care for the trees.  We have included a seed propagation and How we Plant Adopted Trees guide to help you.  The main thing to be aware of is to choose the right species and size of tree for your location.  If you want to plant a native tree that will grow very large to capture and store a lot of CO2, be sure to plant the tree in a location on your property where it will not conflict with any buildings, powerlines or underground pipes.  Remember also that native trees can drop limbs in times of extreme wind or drought, so it is best practice not to plant them next to buildings, paths, or near play areas or outdoor living spaces.  You may also wish to consider that the cost of planting your own tree in terms of time and money will usually be double the cost of adopting a tree, because we are able to achieve an economy of scale in our planting zones and our watering and composting schedules.

Occasionally a tree does not survive to maturity.  This could be because of animal damage, a defect of some sort in the seedling, or a variety of other rare reasons.  If your adopted tree does not survive for 12 months, our arborist staff will replant another tree for you, at the same GPS coordinates if feasible, or at a new planting zone.  This guarantee is included in the price of adoption.

We prefer to create urban woodland environments and restore tree coverage to locations that have not had trees for centuries.  This creates a double-benefit of capturing CO2 as well as greening our inner-city open spaces.  We work with governments and councils, as well as private land-owners, to gain the relevant approvals to plant out open spaces in the inner-city.  Our cities were the first areas that were industrialised and deforested when mass populations arrived.  We source locations that were originally forested with native bushland hundreds of years ago.  Large groves of trees act like giant air-conditioners.  By mass-planting in inner-city areas, we bring natural cooling to spaces that are surrounded by heat absorbing concrete and bitumen.  We plant our urban woodland and bushland in areas that are accessible to the general public, and to our adopters.  This means that when you are in town, you can visit your tree if you wish.

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